The History of Koroni
The establishment of the town of Koroni is lost within the centuries. With the descent of the Dorians during the Mycenaean times, their leader Cresphon, established the town of Rio where Koroni stands today. In 720 bc, Rio was renamed Assini by the Assinian settlers that came from Argolida after being exiled by the Argeans after the first Peloponnesian war. In 365 bc, Epimelides from Thiva, while trying to establish a sphere of influence for the Thiveans in Messini, established Koroni upon the ruins of the Hoperian Aepia (Today's Petalidi). Koroni was a rich city with temples, gymnasiums and statues. It had its own coin, port etc and it was a member of the Achaean League. After that the Romans came to share the prosperity with the Koroneans and the Assinians. Between the 5th and the 6th century ac the Koroneans move and settle in Assini (today's Koroni). So the area acquired three names throughout the centuries Rio-Assini-Koroni, and Koroni two locations, for 900 years in Aepia (today's Petalidi) and for 1500 years where it stands today. In Byzantine times, Koroni was referred to as a small but powerful city that has a strong castle and that stands at the crossroads of influences, conflicts and political events for the domination of the area between the East and the West. In 1200 bc the Franks of the 4th crusade arrive and settle in the area. After that, on 1205 bc and for 300 years, Koroni becomes property of the rising power that was Venice. Those 300 years became the golden time of Koroni since it became a maritime and trade center. In fact, Koroni and its neighbor Methoni were called "the eyes of Venice". The famous castle of Koroni that stands fierce until today and it is still inhabited by locals, dates back to the 6th century and is one of the best examples of the influence of the Venetians in the city. Fron 1500 and up until the revolution in 1821, due to its strategic place, it becomes a battlefield between the Turks and the Westerners. After the liberation, Koroni enters into a time of reconstruction and development. The Koroneans, continuing the tradition turn their attention to the land, the sea, the trade and industry.
The old saying that goes "You must have an uncle in Koroni" has many explanations but the best is this: During the Ottoman occupation, a Pasha in Tripolitsa was the nephew of a Bey in Koroni. Many Koronean cases were taken care of by the Pasha of Tripolitsa when letters arrived from his Koronean uncle.